

Facts About Hearing Technology

Fact #1 – Nine out of ten hearing system users report improvements in their quality of life.
Fact #2– 92% of Americans are satisfied or very satisfied with their hearing care providers.
Fact #3 – Americans report an 81% satisfaction rate with modern directional hearing systems.


It is important that you have the right expectations regarding your hearing care. Today’s hearing technology can help reconnect you to the world around you. However, it is not a cure for hearing loss.

What Hearing Technology will Achieve

  • Provide more personal interaction and an engaged lifestyle.
  • Help you hear & understand better in most situations.
  • Allow you to participate more effectively in group situations & meetings.
  • Increase confidence and reduce fatigue.
  • Improve your quality of life.

Hearing Technology May Not

  • Block ALL background/ surrounding noises, especially in large group settings, or certain environments. (Even people without hearing loss can have trouble with background noise like in bowling alleys etc..).
  • Let you hear very soft sounds in certain situations.

Every Individual patient has unique needs and care requirements.

  • It is important to recognize that not all sound loss can be eliminated. If you have had hearing loss for many years, the process of adjusting your new personal hearing technology may take some time. We encourage you to work patiently with your hearing healthcare professional to make the most of your hearing care journey.
  • Remember…. When talking with your hearing care professional, be open and honest about your experience, as this is the only way to identify and eliminate struggles.


The Effects of Hearing Loss and Sound Loss can be minimized if:

  • Your problem is correctly diagnosed.
  • You receive the right type of treatment; and
  • You and your hearing care team are committed to solving the problem.


Purpose:  To help your hearing healthcare professional determine the extent of your problem and uncover any specific areas that may require further attention.

Some Typical Questions

  • Has anyone else in your family had hearing difficulty?
  • Have you had any illnesses or injuries that might have affected your hearing?
  • Have you taken any medications that might have affected your hearing?
  • Have you been exposed to loud noises in your job or leisure activities?


Purpose: To help your hearing healthcare professional determine whether the Sound Voids™ you are experiencing could be caused by an obstruction or damage to the ear canal or ear drum. Your hearing healthcare professional will use a special instrument called an otoscope or video otoscope to inspect the outer ear.


Purpose: To help the hearing healthcare professional determine the nature of your Sound Loss.  Your hearing healthcare professional may include tests like the following depending on his or her assessment of your needs.

Audiometric pure tone test to measure your hearing at different frequencies.

Speech test to measure how well you hear and understand ordinary conversation at different volumes.

Immitance middle ear test to measure how your ear drum and hearing react to varying degrees of air pressure.


Hearing Systems
Hearing Systems come in a variety of designs and with a wide range of functions and features to address an individual’s specific needs.  The most basic components include a microphone, an amplifier, a receiver, and (in the case of digital hearing systems) a small computer.  The unprecedented effectiveness of modern digital systems comes from a powerful combination of professional expertise, software and hardware.

Surgery & Implants
Devices surgically inserted into the ear to improve hearing, facilitate lip-reading, and make it easier to distinguish certain sounds.  These are typically most helpful to deaf or profoundly hearing impaired people who cannot use hearing systems.

A few examples of surgical implants:

  • Cochlear Implants
  • Middle Ear Implants
  • Bone-Anchored Hearing Systems
  • Auditory Brainstem Implants

Assistive Listening Devices
Specialized technologies that help people with all degrees of hearing loss.  These devices can facilitate improved face-to-face communication, reception of electronic media, telephone reception, and reception of important warning sounds and situations.

Call Us Now to learn more!

Advanced Technology

Your hearing healthcare professional at Heartland Hearing Center offers the most advanced technology available on the market today. When it comes to your hearing health, you deserve a personal hearing and communication solution. Lifestyles can have specific needs; we work hard to help you make the choice of the most suitable instrument for you. Most groups, box stores, and VA clinics do not have the time, motivation, or professional protocols to successfully help you achieve the results you need. Our “HHC -levels” is our patient tool to help navigate your needs. This allows you to connect with the world around you and live to the fullest.

HHC- 16

Very Active – Critical need for the best speech in noise possible.

Business Meetings, Sporting Events, Small Groups, Career, Employee Meetings, Staff, Church Activities, Movies, Job Sites, Restaurants, Outdoors, Television, Family, Events, Travel

HHC- 12

Active – Frequent and robust background noise.

Business Meetings, Sporting Events, Small Groups, Career, Church Activities, Movies, Restaurants, Outdoors, Television, Family, Events, Travel

HHC- 8

Some background noise.

Family, Events, Meetings, Small Groups, Career, Church Activities, Movies, Restaurants, Outdoors, Television, Quiet Movies, Shopping

HHC- 4

Little background noise.

Visitors, Church Services, Quiet Movies, Outdoors, Television, One-on-one conversation

HHC- 2

Barely background noise.

Visitors, Some Church Services, Quiet Movies, Some Television, One-on-one conversation

Call us now to schedule an appointment!

Quality You Can Count On

Hearing Brands

Each of the Brand Manufacturers we give you access to have multiple models and are heavily involved with research and development to continually improve and bring new opportunities to the hearing health care field. You can learn more about each brand here:
You are an individual with your own specific needs. Just like vision, if you don’t have the correct prescription, you will not succeed like you should. In fact, if you used someone else’s glasses you’d experience blurred vision. Not your prescription. It’s the same with someone who buys a hearing aid and find sound is still blurred or uncomfortable. There is no “one size fits all”.

You deserve the best for your need, not what someone else is trying to sell. Because of that, we are an independent practice in Hearing Instrument Sciences and unlike many franchise offices, not dependent on a specific manufacturer or product that we must sell regardless.

What that means for you is, we are able to identify what is best for you in the best price category for the technology you need.

Royce, R. LaMarr, BC-HIS

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