By now you know that success in correcting hearing loss is more than buying aids. Most groups, box stores, and VA clinics do not have the time, motivation or professional protocols to successfully help you achieve the results you need.
Your Initial Consultation is FREE:
At Your first appointment, this is what you will receive:
Video Oto Scope inspection to ensure your physical ear health and that you are wax free.
- You will be able to observe the video of your ear on our video screen
- The professional will explain your ear, wax management, and answer questions
Hearing Screening: “How well do you hear”
- Pure Tone exam of each frequency threshold
If Your Screening Indicates Further Testing:
These are the next steps!
Hearing Exam: “How well do you hear”
- Speech Reception Threshold exam
- Uncomfortable and Most Comfortable levels
Speech Discrimination (Understand) Level: “How well do you understand”
- Presentation of phonically balanced NU-6 words to identify how well you understand words
- High Frequency word index
- Familiar Voice presentation: This is administered with your significant other, relative, or friend who’s voice you are familiar with
Diagnosis: Your Professional will explain your results and help define where you really are with your hearing and understanding levels and what’s best for you personally with your lifestyle and needs.
Continuing Professional Care
Annual Hearing Screenings: Critical to avoid several possible outcomes of untreated hearing loss.
Treating your hearing loss: If you have a hearing and speech understanding loss and chose to treat and correct it, we will work together with you to provide a treatment plan, instruments, and ongoing care that is best for you, your needs, lifestyle, and budget. Your professional will explain the plan, goals, and protocols that are best for you and your family to recover and maintain your ability to understand speech for the rest of your life.
We are the professionals who can improve your success with what you have, without spending more money.
Heartland Hearing is offering a free trial of Starkey’s made for iPhone or Android phones, hearing instruments that connect by App. They bring your phone conversations through your instruments at your Rx. Contact us today to learn more about How to try these FREE for 30 days.
Call Us Now To Learn More!
We are quoting these examples to give you an approximation of your investment in your hearing health care needs.
Call us now to schedule an appointment!
Most Insurances Accepted
Our practice is built upon the foundation of mutual benefit and trust, by making the most of available technology that fits comfortably within our patient’s budget. You can be confident in your purchase as each of our products/packages comes with a minimum one-year factory warranty, and a one-year insurance loss and damage policy at no charge. Some programs have up to 5 years of free warranty! We don’t expect aids to get lost, but if it happens, we’re here to help!
We will secure every opportunity for cost reduction or 3rd party payment that is available to you including insurance and private foundations. Many plans offer little to “no out of pocket” options. Why pay more? Many times, there are significant incentives, pricing, and voucher checks that can be applied toward the purchase of your new system.
We will work together to find what’s best for you and the best price point. In addition, many times there are special savings available that can save you significant money. We’ll make you aware of all specials we provide.
Please call us at 573-756-0555 or click to send an e-mail to request information for the current and future programs being offered by our contracted providers.
Payment Plans
We have a program designed to provide you with INTEREST FREE MONEY.
0% Financing Option and No Money Down for 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months regardless of your age, health or retirement status. CARE CREDIT offers 14.9% financing or AllWell offers 13.9% which are terrific financing options that both Hearing Practices and Dentistry provide for their patients. Additionally, we are now able to offer financing options through HealthiPlan! It’s here for you. Beyond the interest free options, there are several long-term financing options for you. The interest rate may vary due to it being tied to prime rate and subject to change with the market. Your specialist can explain your details in depth.
Pricing Practices
Today price points are driven by technology needed. For years in audiology size dictated pricing, the smaller – the more expensive.
Now, all sizes are available in all technology levels. Because of Nano Science, size is not as relevant, but technology is. The rule of thumb, the noisier your lifestyle and the more critical it is to be able to communicate in varying levels of noise, the greater the technology you will need.
Greater Technology, Greater Understanding in noisy environments.
There are several options, so be sure to read carefully when discussing these with your hearing specialist.
We have interest-free options that provide patients with flexibility on payments and the duration of financing.
If you choose a 0% interest quote, it may give you a payment amount for the total divided by the number of months you select, but the actual monthly payment required will be very small compared to the calculator. For many, the source of funds that will be available at a later date makes the 0% option easier. The little payment allows you freedom to get the benefits now and pay for the bulk of it when it is best for you. Others will choose to divide the amount by the number of months and pay it off monthly.

0% Financing Option and No Money Down for 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months regardless of your age, health, or retirement status.

Offers interest free financing*
0% Financing Option and No Money Down for 12 months, and 18 months regardless of your age, health, or retirement status.
Beyond the interest free options, there are several long-term financing options for you.
The interest rate may vary due to it being tied to prime rate and subject to change with the market. Your specialist can explain your details in depth.

Offers 13.9% with terrific financing options that both Hearing Practices and Dentistry provide for their patients.
Extended Terms: The current interest on extended terms is 11.9% whether for 2 years or up to 5 years. We recommend the 5-year plan to ensure a small payment and then retire the obligation as quickly as comfortable. If you have an expensive month, you’re not required to make a higher payment. The interest is the same and is computed as simple interest which means you are only charged based on the amount of your current balance, not based on the contractual months.
You can always increase the payment amount and pay it off as soon as you desire, but once you begin, you cannot extend the number of months to retire the obligation.